الاثنين، 30 يونيو 2014

Music of meaning

In the name of God the Merciful                      

Thank God for assisting his servants  for worship do and rewarding them greatest gifts by understanding his words, and forgive their  greatest  disobeys, and I ask God to bestow his mercy  and bless upon the biggest source of bless our prophet Muhammad and his family and wives                                                                                                                                                    
      The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him  said (the inwardly  knowledge is a secret of God and the rule of the provisions of God hurled in the hearts of whom he wills of his slaves), (directed by Daylami ) via Ali son of Abytalib, and said the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him (there are two kind of  knowledge one in the heart it is beneficial, and the other  in the tongue that the God  argument is the son of Adam) directed from al-Hasan by al-Hakim Altermizy.                                                                                                                                             
       These are attempts to translate some of the meanings of God in moments of serenity I hope that is not punctuated by whims nor  Satan ideas and that have plagued them, I hope that comes out of God between obscenity whims and blood of Satan ideas to us, purely palatable to the drinkers. I carry with me the knowledge of previous mystic or whom I met, may Allah be pleased with them all and enlighten the right way by them                                                                     Amen.                                                                     
     Because of the encounter of things get a variety sounds such as the foot crash on the ground or signed a spray of rain on the land or signed a feather on the tendon named after those movements rhythms ( drops) and named outputs tones, and if collected these tunes in the form of tuner and coordinator called music.                                                                                                           
     There are rhythms( drops) of the manifestations of beauty in the sight such as flowers, beautiful face, the types of birds, the moonlight on the sand or water, sunshine on the water at sunset, etc. This is also rhythms produce visual tones if collected in the panel by an artist will draw a fantastic visual musical piece.                                                                            
     Words have also rhythms in mind produced  meaningsof the word significant in terms of fragrance and bad get pleasure in the heart or the opposite, especially if drafted or wrote poetry was also a significant piece of music.                                                                                  
     And maximize orgasm if the words connotations  has  a  spiritual nature and meaning of the sanctity tested by  the heart, from here I choose this title for this book and names it Music of                                                                                                                             
                                    The God of the intent behind the way he guides

Part I


      God (Allah) says what it means  ( to him ascends good speech and lift up the worship) great truth of God,    so  people whom  their worship  Almighty stepped up to him  dose not  see their worship  because it did not remain with them .people of sin have seen their worship because it remains with them, and not stepped  up to him . God said (Are those who commit ill deeds think that I make them like those who believe and work righteous deeds, both life and death? Bad is their judgment).Great truth of God.                                                                                                      

   The great  vice of sin that the small acts of worship seem greater, and the greatest advantage of the benefits of obedience that the small sins seem greater. We often find that the disobey people find their great sins very small, and if they work a small good work they think it very great and no one did the same, and believe that they are better people when they were a badness, and they have a knowledge when they were ignorant, and applying the credit for their ignorance of the people of their virtue.                                                                                                                 

       reverse of that, we find people of good deeds, if guilty of a sin, even considered as small faults find it as a major sin, they do the great worship as a small one and carry themselves for more, and the others do the small worship as a great one and do not request any more.   Jesus said to his student Hawwarien: (O ye disciples afraid of sin and we are afraid of heathen). People of worship no one pay attention to them reverse the others.

The signs of accept the repentance is the remorse, which is that you see your sin towards your eyes warn of more. Ibn Ata Allah may Allah be pleased with him Alexandrian (The signs of heart failure death not grief for  missed worships  and not regret fr sins did . May God have mercy on him and said (Do not let the guilt maximize as far as  avoid you  for thinking well of Allah,  if you knew the generosity of Lord  you find your sin very small , and guilt  was not a reason to get  disappoint of honesty with the Lord, it may be the last one .                                                                                                                                  
The fate

     God ( Allah) says  what it means ( I created anything by  an accurate account ) and he says  what it means (He created every thing and estimated it).                                               

Fate or destiny one of the six pillars of faith, but there is a erroneously understanding and reverse faith of destiny and fate, as a random action and reality inevitably without any reasons, and be linked with disasters and calamities only, not the blessings and prosperity, such as who fell  into the well or had traffic accident, and they do not pay any attention for the caution, or taking care .God says what it means (Any injured or calamity is by your hands,  and he pardons much) truth God Almighty.                                                                                                                                 

     The judgment is depend on  the rule which is based on the facts of reasons and the reactions and be justice in keeping balance in the give and take and cause and effect, without excess or negligence. The God fate is the reverse of random sentences, the fate based on the precise calculations,  gives balanced equations,  and that is understanding, which commanded us to believe,  not reversed.                                                                                                                        

     The heaven and stars and planets and zodiac were not created in vain has no  job , The God swear by them for their greatness  God(Allah) says what it means (I swear with  the sky with zodiac).   Stars and planets for example, was the top care about it in various forms of life such as travel and agriculture.                                                                                                                    

 God (Allah) says what it means (And by the stars are guided).  The knowledge grown in this field as far as the human be in touch with space by non muslem,  whom  they abandon this sciences and they become at the tale of  Nations following  them.                                              

     The untaken of this science is erroneous understanding of religious texts, which discouraged from engaging in the knowledge of the stars as they affect  isolation from God and his ability,  and make them a partner to God or gods beside him as had prevailed in ignorance time where it is said we have been rained by the specific star.                                                                            

  People who were think of more than one god at ignorance time before they become Muslems, some of them wanted to carry this bad opinion with them under the Islam when the Prophet ( peace be upon him ) wanted to cancel the inflict spells sophistication and polytheistic character and kept the right ones.                                                                                                                         

     Who denies the influence of the moon in the process of tides? and its impact in agriculture?  Who denies the influence of the stars in travel.  The prophet Mohammed said what it means (Every one travel in the sea after rising of chandelier was sucidied).                     

    God (Allah) says what it means  (and they ask you about the moons response them that it is timeliness for mankind and pilgrimage ) times for people in the conduct of their lives in the movement and stillness, agriculture and others.                                                                            

     This human is component of the mood which controlled by four natures, a melancholy,  bile, blood, sputum and these natures are controlled by the quality of food and water, which varies depending on the environments and thus is form a mood of people. Some are grumbler to the point of ferocity, and some has a calm nature, pliable and cold to the point of indifference.

     This food depend on  water, which affected by the sun and twelve zodiac and content of the stars and the moon and its  twenty eight houses, and its planets which have  distinct and differentiated beams, which reflex their light in the moon and the moon reflex them in the water of seas and oceans and rivers, (which are three-quarters of the globe),  and then evaporate in an atmosphere sky, and create the cloud formations, which be sent by God to the vicinity land down with the rain, to grew the plant and for people and animals.                                                 

      The previous scientists monitored the moods and natures and physical shapes of peoples according to the regions and   Mars, Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury) and its impact.

This  has been elaborated mark by  Omani Omar bin Masoud bin Musaad bin Mundhiri in his book called ( reveal the secrets hidden in the world of celestial bodies and lettered numbers )  including the curriculum and calendar for all walks of life and all the peoples of the world. I propose to establish institutions concerned with this art and make it reality or at the very least to issue calendars, annual account and zodiac the sun and the moon and homes.                                                                                                                                      

.Begins and ends meeting

     If a person wants to write or draw the first thing he put on the free space, whether paper or land or any material is the point, and then begins to pass this point or pulled into what he wants to be posed, when emptying of the formation he raise his hand or pen also leaving the point,. Starting point and end point and between the first point and the last point is the message of knowledge.                                                                                                                                                             
     Plants beginning is a seed growing as the point does, to appear the formation or type of plants.   Between the first seed and the last seeds are types of plants, their leaves and twigs, flowers and fruits aesthetic fruits, and bitter ones, so animal beginning as sperm and the end of sperm too and Thus all elements of the beginning and ending  an atom ,  between them is composition for each vocabulary  universe.                                                                                                                                       .                                                                               

     The point when you placed it if you keep your hand until operated on track, it will frequent itself producing a line and it will be invisible.   If you take off your hand before operated it will be visible as a one point.  And also the seed and sperm and atom, all their details is compressed in, and as the point when be formed or grown it breakdown the most compressed details, and the first becomes the end.   God (Allah) says what it means (As we start the first creature we will return it back).

     It has been proven scientifically that the universe began with a initial high density atom in a tremendous temperature called the super atom.    Jaber bin Abdullah asked the Prophet Mohammad ( peace be upon him ) what was the first thing created by God the Almighty, he answered  (The first thing created by God is light of your Prophet, O Jabir ),  and he state how  that light which is called the( Fist Mohammadan Light ) created from it  the heavens and earths, and the throne, and the chair and all the details of this universe.

     The Fist Mohammadan  Light as the point and the atom and  the seed  and the sperm is the beginning of the universe with these creatures that emerge and then wipe,  as the leaves grow and get green then yellow and die.

 The end of this universe is the emergence and retuning of Fist of Light started collecting what behind her and compress what was detailed, in the book which does not leave small or great,   God (Allah) says what it means (and  they found  what they did present) also says ( That day we will roll the sky as the rolling  for the books, as we start the first creature we will return him back)
.     The universe in the case of expansion ,God(Allah)says what it means (and the sky we have built it by hands and we are  spreading  it) this is what is happen now, but in the end of the world the Fist of Light will return back as I stated a before,  and this is one of the possibilities which come to them of Atomic Scientists, or physics at the end of the universe will be The shrinkage is due to its starting point or expansion for ever, and a possibility of  this is not contained in our search. Here we have some revenue from the theories of physicists that support what we went to it.

• The international Belgian scientific Edwin Howell announced in 1924 that the nebulae, gases and clouds away in the background universe is other completed galaxies not follow to us and includes thousands of millions of stars and was believed until the time that the Milky Way galaxy, which we occupy is a galaxy only in the universe. God (Allah) says what it means ( we creates what is out of your known).

     In 1927, The international Belgian scientific George Lomatir announced that the universe must have stretched in an attempt to explain the displacement rspectrum lights of distant stars and galaxies, as there is no reason in the mile lights galaxies to the red color but it is moving away from us, then  he presented for the first time the Big Bang theory to explain the origins of the universe and its expansion, said that the universe must have started from the atom infinite density, a very hot single cosmic which exploded with great power and formed the substance in the universe and that universe is expanding strongly since the Big Bang to happen yet.

     In 1965 the engineers Arno Benzias and his colleague Robert Wilson discovered waves of the microwave cosmic coincidence of the effects of the Big Bang and so well established that the universe began an explosion of initial high density an atom in the temperature of the huge and has a beginning and no doubt be to the end and it grows by the blast so far. God (Allah) says what it means ( did not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together ripped them apart and made from water every living thing ) great truth of God.

     Glory of the universe began from super an atom exploded and expanded, and plants began a seed exploded and expanded, and the animal began sperm exploded and expanded and crafts began to point exploded and expanded the universe began an atom exploded and expanded, and will end the atom will explode to expand to at the end of the component universes of paradise and universes of hell. God (Allah) says what it means  (and we will establish  you again  in what is out of you  known).

     Here, referring to a nice note from  the name of Muhammad (محمد)peace be upon him mem (م ) Muhammad (محمد) first form a closed circuit and spoken is come out from behind the closed  lips  reference to the most compressed details in point and sperm, atom and seed, and ha (ح) in form and spoken is open reference to the expansion and growth and the second heavy mem (م) heavy reference to the sperms and the points, seeds, and the atoms at the end of the path and the Dal ( د ( referring to the cycle configuration.

     Seed grow to be seeds and sperm grow to be a sperms and  an atom expands to be the atoms as well as the Fist of Light Mohammedan or super an atom which exploded and continues to expand would be fists luminosity or super atoms eventually to explode and expand is to turn  what complied in the origination afterlife . Mentioned in prophet Mohammed says( The worship will expanded to good ten up to seven hundred times  and in the doomsday there  are hundred mercy only one now among us,  and a fruit in paradise if you download to the people of the world will suffice them all, and the molar of the unbeliever in  hell as a  mountain. ( This is some features of expand ).

     What we do in our bodies any good or evil will involve in our souls, and therefore in  other establishment t, which expands the good to paradise and its delights ( God make us and you of her family Ameen) and expands the evil to the fire and torment,  ( God  avoid us and you  of them ).  The prophet Mohammad said that (The man to utter a word in the pleasure of Allah do not pay attention to it rise him to the top of the high courts, and that the man utter a word in the wrath of God does not pay attention to it get him down in hell seventy years), word in this house is an atom will explode in the afterlife establishment expands to reach what we refer to it.

     This presence without this logic, the logic of death,  and life, and reward and plenty and the world and the afterlife seems absurd and out of point.  God (Allah) says what it means (do you think we created you in vain and you shall not be returned to us).

Take care

     Fragrant and  sweet  taste and beautiful views and tones singer and tangibles thin soft are  rivers  branching from  original great sea carrier to us a model of  it,  which says just taste me and not stay with me in this short life  and let me guide you to my home in paradise in unlimited life.  This will not be done by joining these rivers you have to cross to the great sea by get knowledge through thinking of God creatures and remembering him always in your daily deals with them.                                                                                                                                             
     All the ugly views , nasty things and mischievous in this world are rivers from the great dark sea which guide you to hell  warn you to have avoid sins and not  staying with them and  remember the God in your daily treatment with creatures .                                                     

Chips of knowledge

Published in the newspaper Khaleej Times Issue # 2650 on July 22

     Heart and soul and selfish are different names for one thing, which is hidden behind the body and control it. The names of the three named by the conditions of that kind are in volatility in the demand for worship and backs it called the heart (heart in Arabic means unstable), and in status of adherence to virtues and worships, and attracted to the heaven called the soul and in status of intensity and low down to bad desires and the world at the lowest called the selfish.                                                 
     Hence we find that the heart is the isthmus between the soul and the selfish , which is tantamount to that nice heaven and the world of meanings, if maintained serenity and purity,   at the same time it drop to rock bottom in the world of buildings, if they neglected it and the accumulation of dirty.    Because the heart between these conditions become only referred to it, whether it came to signal him to the favor or bad.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

The Soul only for those who are referred by the description and rose from the desires of self and not for those who are referred by the degenerated shackle ambition and desires.

     The heart is a mirror in which serenity and purity is reflected by the actions of the body and clear enough to see good is good and evil is evil ,   and wrong is wrong and right is right. But when you have lost serenity and purity and rusted disease envy, hatred and lies and hypocrisy to the other of internal  diseases,  reflected image acts distorted not clear  to humans and may see evil and think good and probably committed the crime and be in the look just is normal.

      Person who has a free heart from hypocrisy, lying, envy can see the good and the evil and how treat with it, but the other who has rusted mirror of the heart disease that blurred image of his actions, whether good or bad, can not increase the good or quit the evil and therefore it does not taste the sweet of obedience and humiliation of sin and will be one of those people who have been wasted in this life while they thought that they do good work.                                                                                                     .

Deepen the meaning of the words
                                    Published in the newspaper Khaleej Times No.
On July 31, 2659

     Speech is the expression for the content of the self, and different words for different selves, the wood as a material  is silent, and when be formed to various formations each one is different than other in terms of appearance, and unite with him in terms of self. we find the silent self, had pronounced and expressed what it carries of qualities such as the solid and flexibility and others that the words are those shapes,  and so on all inanimate  objects.                                          .                                                                          
      Seed before growth is silent, after grew and emerge leaves and flowers, twigs and the smell and taste ... etc are speaking the words are those parameters.                                                                                                               .                                                                                                                                  

       Words variation as a good word and a bad wor depen on higlighting of qualities as fragrant flowers and malignantding one  of a good word to a bad one, depending on the variation malignant ones ,and the sweet taste of fruit and the bitter one. The God (Allah) says what it means (The good word as the good tree) (and the bad word as the bad malignant tree, be cut off and become has no place).

     The unformed sperm is silent , and after be created is start speaking by express its innermost elements as leech ,embryo  and bones ......etc.  approashing to completed  body has taste, smell,touch and feeling,   and biology members visible and invisible such as the heart,  lungs,  stomach,  head, and the parties ...etc.

     However, as the book has headline consists of few words indicating the meaning of words of the book ,  we find the  title of the human is a sound which formed by tongue  and lips in various mainfestations focused in reconi tempales called words which emerge the innermost of the human.

     As the most famous in the book its title, we find convince justification for the mind when hearing a word or words he grasp only  the traditional customary meaning and miss the great ones.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 . These creatures are the manifestations of the God, or mirrors reflect the qualities or the sight of the Almighty according to rank each of them a presence in his words, which express sample of his name Almighty we find manifested in the monsters, and a sample of his name the Creator we find manifested in all that pleased the eye and ear.

  All   beings are-speaking, including either the silent or the sound,  the character and  sound  is one aspect of that speech, including the language of the eyes which is a form of self-expression, as well as the absolute signal, whether welcome or greeting or symptoms or prod or Lamaze etc……...

The summary, we find ourselves in front of the extended meanings when we read the verse (and God spoke to Moses) (and the God has the main book), and in the right of our Jesus, that he is a word of the Lord, and saying (peace be upon him) (I have been offered the conciseness of speech).

Cultural vaccination

Published in the Gazette of the Union the Abu Dhabi Culture and Thought Supplement No. 54 on January 11

     The vaccination is known in the medical areas, as a matter of prevention is better than cure, but rarely may be heard that word in cultural areas.

     Vaccination in the medical field means to inject a healthy body with some estimated germs or virus  of a particular disease not enough to transfer the disease itself,  and the purpose is to provoke the body to produce antibodies to fight foreign germs or virus,   and the body's production of these antibodies be doubled by the length of time,  this make the body equipped to resist the germ or the virus of the epidemic disease if invaded the body.

 When the body be attacked by endemic disease we find unvaccinated bodies produce not enough antibodies and quickly be eaten away by bacteria, germs or virus  in the first emergence,  and attack rapidly the body and destroy the Cells. That is the vaccination in the field of medicine and treatment. What is it in the field of culture?

    The concept of culture is the customs, traditions and social norms, this culture contrasts according to communities varies which effected by the environment variables, either religiously or economically or intellectually. As these communities isolated from each other in the past,   each culture was confined in her community and does not move them only rarely which carries  acceptable face in another community, but who carries unacceptable face, will get fading or not able to appear because of   society resist,  for that the cultural  diseases germ in these communities have not any  invasion power.

      Now, in these days, which cultures coalesced due to the progress and develop of communication, which was able to invade the community, and the families in their own backyard. We find the germ of disease's cultural tougher in its strength and power of the invasion and destruction, and will invade the only not vaccinated safe minds intellectually or culturally, which will collapse in the first collision with these germs.

  Since these bacteria so strong that can not be resisted or isolate it was necessary to use the method of vaccination rather than isolation, meaning to face the reality and form this germ in Islamic Cultural template that compare indirectly between Western culture and ours, and give opportunity for the mind to produce ideas resist any strange culture or thought.

       It can form these templates to accommodate all tastes of the recipients, whether in the form of magazines or newspapers or programs, seminars or movies and serials are going side by side with what can be displayed on the origin without deleting, but can be added to it before or after or during the presentation doses alert of values ​​and morality in a non- provocative, because the soul by nature inclined to the contrary has been said any forbidden is desirable.

  If we want to cure this we must  face reality instead of the falsified no matter how bad, because these materials epidemic spread in secret more than dissemination in public,  and if you strive to prevent it from family the family will  insist to get it  by negligence, even if seen by the coincidence  the shock will be largest than their absorption,  so that it paralyzes their thought, and have a bad reaction good for us that  train ourselves to face the evil instead of hiding it has been said (  know the evil to prevent join it).

     If it was just the invasion of a cultural by means of communication with tremendous technical,  it will be easy to cure,  as long as we could not get to those communities, but as long as everyone could be in hours or a few minutes in the heart of those communities in various kinds of motives, both educational or therapeutic, commercial or recreational better for us to be sufficiently familiar with the conditions of those societies, customs and traditions so as not to soak in the  banned or shocked different cultures.

The meaning of the ( Rahman equabled on the throne)

     The names of the God are all one rank in terms of the self who has to stand for any name,  each name has his job, which distinguish it from others. Some bodies  did not realized this distinguish and did not understand the meaning of the God says what it means (Rahman on the Throne) and they carried to the name Rahman, the same meaning of the name of God (Allah).

 Allah refer to the university self for all the names and Rahman is one of them.  They looked at the words without understanding meanings, They signed in the trap of the embodiment, of God's absolute by self-tied.

       And also did not take from the throne its meaning, but stood on its building and what is indicated by the sense which differentiate according to varies environments.  Bilqis the queen of Saba her throne is different than throne of the king Solomon in the building of any shape, but they agree in the meaning which is meant by the terms of his job is a metaphor for reaching the top of the Sultan and domination.

     The Throne of everything is the peak, either in development   or brightness, or its meaning and to reach the summit and preserve it requires a balance between its component parts so as not to fracture collapse.

      Allah says what it means (God who created the heavens and the earth and all between them in six days, then mounted the throne.  Rahman asked by the experts) great truth of God. The throne of the heavens and the earth it means the summit completeness of any and visibility.

     This universe consists of minutes, some known and some unknown. Molecule integrated with each in one basic from which to reach the summit of the throne of the elements.   The elements integrate until reach the peaks which is the vocabulary of the universe of human, Angels,  spirit, animals, and inanimate. According to a definition in the name Rahman explained in( Sharh Alkharida Albahia ) for Dardeer   (Rahman is  graces any of its assets).

     Name Rahman is derived from the compassion and mercy, is to maintain the balance of things where no negligence nor excessive, and therefore not prejudice.

   God (Allah)says what it means (Establish your weight with justice, and do not lose the balance), and this  mohammdian nation, God had made them compassionated and compromised,   not the severity  and excessive worship or idle, by negligence in worship, and so will in all its affairs. Alrahman is the balancer.
     God Allah says what it means (Alrahman created human and teach him statement) he created him in the top of moderation and balance, and his knowledge of expression of various types ,   the statement or expression  does not do its  function if it exceeds the  excessiveness or the negligence  God(Allah)says what it means ( voices has got idle  for Rahman you could hear only whispers)  it does not  redundant sound nor silence does not lead end  but audible.

       This is exactly what God hurry in the literature Salutation of the Prophet peace be upon him  God (Allah) says what it means (O you who believe, do not raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet, nor speak aloud to him,  as you speak aloud to each other, this will vain your worship  and you  do not perceive .).

     In this reference a nice taste, that the Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him, is the mirror of the name Rahman.  God (Allah) says what it means (We sent you only as a mercy to the worlds), the great truth of God.

 The believers are the slaves of Rahman, who walk on the earth in humility, and if the ignorant address them they said peace been upon you.

     God (Allah) says what it means (all of the world will get vanish it only remains the face of the Lord of Majesty and Honour).    The  honour is the beauty,    all aspects of name-Rahman in the world will get perish and remains the face of the Lord of Might and honor,  and this face of  Rahman remains to establish Growing Hereafter, where the last manifestations of this name in the afterlife there is no yard or The demise .

  The God seal his says (Blessed be upon the name of the Lord of Majesty and Honour).  It means the increase in the appearance and grown of his name Rahman with majesty and beauty, will punishe sinners with fire and rewards obedient and honoring them by his paradise, hereafter greater degree and more detailed with the blessing of his name Rahman.

       God also refer to this meaning he says the Almighty (and bear the Throne of the Lord above them that day eight). and is well known that the bearers of the Throne in the lower  are four, and was mentioned in the news from the Prophet peace be upon him said to Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him (If you wanted to shake my hand tomorrow under the shadow of the throne, just  pray to me hundred times a day).

 the location  of  Prophet, peace be upon him under the shadow of the throne, is refer to the name Rahman sink, as noted previously .

     The equator carries the same meaning as what carries the meaning of mercy which is the balance. The balance of the bread is status of not burned or uncooked, and the equator on the thing is to dominate it without tilting side to the other.

       After the summit of the throne is the yard. The flower  vanish after summit of opening,  and the fruit  rotted after ripped , ,  and the old age come after youth ,   following vocabulary of the universe in this pattern appear and then wipe out after the performance of their role,   and  put the bricks in the construction of the universe to provide the opportunity for other  so as to complement  the total protruding up to comprehensive throne which controlled by Rahman with such  magnificent coordination and delicate balance .

     Thus, the yard crawl starting the elements up to the throne,  and  perish this lower life to start the upper life,   and the Hereafter begins growing up the ends of the world which are  the elements  of the thrones of good deeds made up the nucleus of Paradise and sins  made up the nucleus of the fire.

     Conclusion (Rahman equabled on the Throne) it means God in his name Rahman save the balance of the throne of creatures.
And Allah and His Messenger know,,,,
Part V


    God (Allah) says what it means (God could not be realized by visions but he realize the visions) great truth of God.  God Allah could not be realized by visions in terms of its inability but he realize visions in terms of his ability, he descends from his infinity to the level of our visions to realize him according to our status but our visions could not live up to his infinity   to realize him according to his status) .God (Allah) says what it means (They could not estimate Allah as he deserve).                                                                                                                                          

          Prophet of God  Mohammad  prayers be upon him saw his Lord with his own eyes  as Ibn Abbas said,  may Allah be pleased with him , the Lord is marked by seven  qualities of  hearing, sight, speech, science, life, ability and the will.                                                               

       God descends from his infinity according to his status, to the level of the seven  qualities of luxury of the Godhead, so Mohammad saw him in the great rank in the form of young hairless.                                                                                                                                   

Mrs. Aisha may Allah be pleased, said Allah has not been seen in terms of the   inability of vision to his infinity the Almighty.                                                                                                  

Minutes of knowledge

                Shaykh Ibn Arabi may Allah be pleased with him said (By the melt of ice  raises its rule, and  put the rule of the water which it the reality of it).                                            

      When the ice melt, or condense steam and clouds raise their sizes and different qualities and become water.  Water remains with its forms, sizes, characteristics and   attributes.              .                                                                                                                            
            The case of ice, steam and clouds before turning to the water matched the case of the mystic the people of heartfelt taste, this case named the first difference,  and this is the status of most of the creatures, which you see creatures only but creator will be absent , and see the diversity , differences and ratios .                                                                                                       

          When  snow melting or steam and clouds condense and become water, every one of them  vanish from himself and vanish its qualities and conditions and remain only qualities of water , and this match a mystic condition or cardiac condition  called vanish  or a combination and in this condition you see the difference a crowd, and multiplicity one, and see the creator (Allah) and no other one, also not percentages or differences and multiplicity and in this case you loses discrimination and be silent  and  others  see you as crazy.                                                                                                  

            If condensation water became ice or soothing became vapor and clouds after the first  transition,  they see their selves again as  ice and steam, and cloud ,  sizes and attributes again, but  by an other seen than  that he saw them, by who knows himself doomed, knows his Lord to stay and become the insight of his command, had known the truth that is  the water, and he just form to perform a particular role and function of a specific cause could not without this form.                                                                                                                                                        

        The people of  taste called this condition the survival after the yard or collection of collection or the second difference, you see by the eye of this condition  the truth ( creator)  behind the cover of creation,  you see the ratios and differences and opposites and multi-linked bond with one unit called ( Ahdia ) it similar to ocean as unit (Ahdia) and waves as  differences  and others called (Wahidia). Thus you see the creatures list by the Almighty,   your heart see the collection the truth. The owner of this condition his heart collection and tongue speaking according to  Sharia (  legal treatment of people  )                                                         .                                                                                              

           The owner of the difference is like someone who sees colors of the rainbow any color has his own building , and the combination is the one who sees the color white only, the owner of second difference see a perfect view of spectrum a prominent white                                          .                                                                                                        
 And Allah and His Messenger know.                                                                                     


  once the sun of the truth behind you,   the shadows of gentiles and you is one of them become in front of you, as long as you engaged them.  When  you give your back all shades of gentiles are having sun of truth  face you,  you are walking to her and she is running to you ,   when it is over your head the sun of the truth will set inside you , and the  shadows of gentiles will be absent.                                                                                                                                                 

     In  the condition of  the first difference  the sun of  the truth hid behind you, she called you and you are busy with other, that other is you  by standing barrier to the sun light  prohibitive knowledge that enlightens you the way.                                                                                       
     The  combination condition when you give your back to the shades of gentiles and face  the sun of  the truth walking to her escaping  from the( shades) the creature .                               

      In the second difference the sun really over your head set inside you and  shades ( gentiles) be absent  ,  and  the sun  rays and the light of the truth  is around you  lighting  the way that it becomes in all directions, then (wherever you turn there is the Face of God) as the God says and be in a place of perfection where not lose the creator when you see the creature or lose the creature when you see the creator , will be the right fit for both ,   beneficial to both sides ,   we have God and you are so Amen.                                                                                                       

God (Allah)
     God's name (Allah) refer to the self-knowledge, and the name is  known only as indication ,  and the indication based only on discrimination based to those who require a second that it singles out  to distinguish him                                                                                                         .

 Allah has no second to be distinguished  but in case of downloading in the manifestations molds  of the names and attributes given to each template name to distinguish it from others and the name of self Allah)  is called in  descend particular in a template of the Whole for all templates.   Allah is the first and the last  and outwardly and inwardly.                                                                              
     God's word (Allah) when  it spoken first charted the point by saying (A) that refer to a line beginning point and before that the infinity ,  and that it is the first seen drawn  and the first heard spoken,  which  downloaded from infinity  which matched  the vacuum  chest .                                                                                       

      The point (A) (أ) come out of the chest cavity and is being held at the top of vertical line (i)  first,  continues coming out (A) ( ) out located on the soft palate as silent  (L) (la),  then the tongue object the conduct of  vertical  line (A) (i )  where the tongue compressed the middle in the form of the  first (L) ( la ), and the tongue release  to highlight  the second  moved (L) (la )  which is the silent (L) ( la) that is. It is one ( L) ( la ) was silent and then moved.                          

 When it was silent this refer to the  world  be existed  by the Lord order of  where the mothers of the things highlighted  in one package ,  the moved (L) (la)refer to the world be existed by the Lord creation  where mothers of  things deliver its details  gradually , Eve (the Lord order) is the mother of human (the Lord creation ) , also  the seed is mother of  plants and so on.                 

     The (h) ( ha) is carried out from the chest cavity after it gave up the tongue of the statement of objection on track,  it's the same first point went out visible  after it was invisible in vertical line (A) (i) (as we first created we return  him back), the great truth of God.                                


     All this universe is based on the movement and stillness, both in what is broadcast or in what receives between sense and sensate, the movement is selfgrow stating  the details  of life thing such as seed ,  and this called  the physiological time as well as to move some thing from place to other,  and this called the natural time,  such as  planets, stars,  and inanimate movement.                                                                                   
.  Stillness is stability of thing without growth, if be moved from its place or not. All these organisms have a fixed system in the emergence,  the begins start from dormancy and so to the ends,  and in-between  is the motion.                                                                                         

     The letters the of name Muhammad (محمد) (peace be upon him) according to its plot  or  pronounced or the meanings are based on  this system. The  (M) (م   ) is a closed line (a circle) refer to the restriction,   and in terms of pronunciation it is also  by the closed lips,  when the circle or the lips open it takes the shape of letter (h) ( ح ).                                                                 

     (M) ( م ) refer of the seeds, which has been narrowed down where the details of plant, leaves,  twigs, and fruit,   and refer to the sperm which has been narrowed down where the details of human and  animal ,   and refer to the starting point of acoustic vibrations and light rays, and refer to the point which start the  pen,   and refer to the atom prior to fragmentation and refer to the super atom  high-density, which exploded about the  universe.                                                                                                                                                                

     And ha ( ح  ) is a breakthrough for M to start  detailing  and stating  what is limited in combinations  .by ( ha ) (  ح  ) animal cells  split to form sperm cells ,  and plant cells to form  seed ,  and has launched conservation viberations circles and has started light rays taken in the form of( ha) (  ح ) ,  and has launched a pen of statement and the forming,   and the fragmented atom  and it was the Big Bang to the beginning of the universe and by (ha) ( ح  ) was the life .                                                                                                                                       

     The second (M) ( م ) is conclusion   to what has been detailed by (H) ( ح ) .  In the plant is conclusion to what the (H) (  ح )  detailed in phases of the growth of the seed and the ramifications,   and be insert again  in seed which returned sited on the throne of the tree says I am the leaves  and branches  and fruits I am the first  the invisible the inwardly and the last the visible the outwardly, God Allah says what it means   (As we emerge the first creature we will return him back).                                                                                                ..                                  
     And became seeds ( multi-individual)  after was one seed ( one lot ) ,  also was limited and become outlined the phases of sperm as well as the held acoustic vibrations circles  in the ear and light rays in the eye and also by a collection of  universe vocabulary  at the end .  God Allah says what it means ( That day we will roll the sky as the roller do with papers), (And the sun and the moon  will be collected) great truth of  God.                                                                                                                                                                                 .                                                                                                                   

     This time in which we live is the stage of the reveal and detail of the grip of the light divine, which was named Muhammad.  a seed of the tree of a creation world , which our souls living through our bodies and see the details of the this seed ,  phase after phase to reach the end of the matter to the combination  what separated first .                                                                       

 We had become had swam in the seas of details ranging from land and access to the same land, (in a circle shape)  and time turn around time as  first , be ended by Muhammad as he began.                                                                                                                                                 

   The role of   Mohammad  body will be ended and start Ahmad soul after folding Mohammad body sciences in Ahmad soul which begins its journey riding shiny horse of the order world  to fly in manifestations space of self-self to end it where it began , and are  stable where the last end of the first and outwardly in inwardly.                                                                                         

      The soul of Ahmad  which due to Lord order  will  rises up from its west in the largest and the greatest splendor of the first declared , to end the world of creation ,  and this ending declares now in the manifestations of modern techniques, which reduced the formation stages of the things in agriculture, industry and communication                                                                                                                                          
 Lord order create things in one package   (such as the seed )  , but in the world of creation things come out gradually( such as the tree).                                                                                   
      This techniques will continue reducing the formation stages as far as become out in one package,  by then  will be the emergence of the false Antichrist who announce   the divinity by this techniques.  People of falsehood, deceit, go against the people of faith are waiting for dawn and sincere Ahmad soul,  which appearance of our  Jesus  who declared that humans Messenger comes after him named Ahmad . The false Antichrist melt when he sees the Jesus as the salt dissolves in water.                                                                                                          

 God Allah says what it means (When the ground has its decoration and pleasure and people thought they could afford it, our order vanish it, as it had not decorated yesterday).
     All that has emerged on the surface of the Sea of ​​the truth, waves and the foam   created by the sea, foam is separated from the sea imagining his obscure presence and his features which are different from the qualities of the water surface. The rule of this that throw away from the sea to the shore of the gentiles, and return him back forcibly after stripped its qualities by decompose of its elements.                                                                                                              

    This  refer to anyone who see his existence the same as God existence,  the ground will be ordered  to eat his body, which was veiled from God and its decomposed elements to forcibly return . God Allah says what it means (The foam goes staleness).                                                 

     The wave is what emerged from the sea by the sea to the sea,  it  remains with the sea by the sea because of his knowledge that he is the same no other.

      This refer to people who see the truth by a mind eye and announce the truth to people  and  those are Announcers ( Muezzinon).

       The others are the mystical whom are see the truth by  a heart eye,  prophets and saints and join them those who were killed in the name of Allah, those see the truth and  right at the rising of their souls,  after departure  the veil of the flesh. Both of them the ground does not eat their bodies (flesh).

     The safety of intention of Jihad (Jihad is to fight who fight your religion no peaceable).is required to obtain this degree by get rid of the body in the way of Allah in order to satisfy the God no other purpose.


Deepen the significance of Pilgrimage
      Going to something either I have the way to get it or I have not, for example, if I want to see something, and I have an healthy eye I will get the vision if not I will get   nothing.                                                                                                                     .
     Orientation depend of emitter of the five senses as if I hear a voice or smell a perfume that either only hear the sound or smell a perfume or I go to the source of that sound and that smell.                                                                                                          

   So the human and the creature emitter to go to God are these senses and sensate and the way to reach him is the net healthy heart got nil of jealousy, arrogance, hypocrisy and lying,   if not it will not be up to him . God Alla says what it means (except those who came to God holding a net healthy heart).                                                                                                               

     Humans either are sufficient with these senses and being with these creatures, or pass her through his heart to the source. This will access him beyond ingratitude, atheism, idolatry prison to expanded faith, people in this trend, whom come first..                                                                 

     The first ones are the owners of orientation by healthy hearts whom arrived to God and see him in everything, God Allah says what it means (wherever you turn there is the Face of God) great truth of God. The prophet Mohammad peace be upon him said (remember God you will find him in front of you).                                                                                                                        

 Those are the folks who attended the place of his view, uniting their witnesses although contrast of scenes and saw the unity in multitude and the multitude in unity, and this is the mystical taste not for others.                                                                                                           

     The economizers are those who tried to go, but their unhealthy hearts forbid them,  and they were dispersed their attitude in pictures of assets, Some of them worshiped the sun , others  the moon , cows, trees and human beings.                                                                                      
    Because of the colorful photos of assets and varied in its characteristics and roles, we have to find one of assets to be attitude by people to reflect our inability to realize the truth of God as in his infinity, to avoid dispersion in the orientation.                                                                                                                                                                          
    This attitude (Gibla) should be the University of dispersion of those assets, and because the human too weak to stand with a thing like this, especially after he fell in the examination of Jesus as fully human combined dispersion world, and he worshiped him other than Allah, and tied the infinity of God in him,   because of that the alternative should be best suited to their minds, which did not put up with the Transfiguration of higher  appearance.                                                                          
   The attitude (Gibla) should be stripped out of the attributes of the Godhead of the seven marked with an over the presence of a hearing, sight, speech, science, life, the ability, and the will, this appearance in wholly inanimate.                                                                                         

     As long as the inanimate varying in characteristics precious such as gold and vile as lead, attitude had to be University for the discrepancies and this is a stone the source of these minerals, and because the stones are different in the characteristics as the precious stones, rubies, and the others.The Kaaba house of the Lord which Ibraham and his son Ismaeel lifted its stone basics, is entity and university for all.                                                                                                                                                                                                               

     Kaaba brought together those aspects of abstraction, which failed to verify attributes of the Godhead, reflecting its inability to realize cognition and lack of full to God Almighty. Revese unbeleivers  who carry those qualities and disputed the Creator and claimed the Godhead, which had not been done by any other creature.                                                                                       
 The Kaaba collected those stones which are manifestations of abstraction in the ground, and Allah honored us and dropping off the appearance of deprivation in the sky, Assad-stone, to join the stones in the ground to express the unity of creation in the universe underneath and above the
Inability of relising the infinity of God.
      We have thus collected the worship of heaven angles and the worship of the earth people, here highlights the mystery of the  wisdom of the angels prostrating to Adam which was created of mud and their turning round the Ka'bah, and the ignorance of Satan (Iblees)   which cause expelled from paradise.                                                                            

      This Kaaba campus is forbidden for a single entry unless be abstracted like her from a surrounded and sewn clothes,   refering to free himself of the attributes of the body among the attributes of the soul. Surrounded clothes refer to qualities of body and sewn ones refer to qualities of the soul .The soul dissolved the body as if as thread of the garment, and this abstraction is what the Lord said to the Prophet, peace be upon him, saying the Almighty what it means (As we see the turning of your face in the sky, we will offer you acceptable attitude, turn your face towards the Sacred Mosque, and were you have been turn your faces to it) the great truth of God.

     Sky where the manifestation of the lights and secrets that distracts orientation between differing qualities when you stand with character you lose the sight of the status of the other,  so the  God  order prophet  Mohammad peace be upon him and the faithful to pay their faces towards the Sacred Mosque, a place which prohibits the qualities enter ,  for that  Prophet peace be upon him ordered  to get rid of  imagery and motifs from  the mihrab,( a place in the mosque refer to Kaaba)( Almasgid Alharram) saying they have occupied for prayer.                                                                                                                   

     These stones are the manifestations of abstraction that carry the message of the God to creature  state their inability cognition, or informed  the infinity of God. The stones which Khalil Ibrahim ( him and our Prophet better prayer and greet) go to her after the volatility of his face in the sky around the star and sometimes the moon and sometimes towards the sun at other times, when he found the contrast he scattered them all but he kept the big one is advantaged so that they might return to him as a message of abstraction referring  to God  but they did not understand the message and stood with the building without meaning. Thus we find the secret link to the rites of Pilgrimage and Ibraham ( Him and our prophet and all prophets the best blessings and peace).                                                                                                                       
     The turning round the Kaaba seven times refer to dislocation of the Pilgrim surrounding seven qualities of the body which build qualities of soul such as the eye , ear , mouth......etc. , in the end of turning he face the Kaaba and be abstracted same as her. qualities that veil him from God and kept busy with them.                                                                                                   

     Endeavor between Safa  and Marwa ( small mountains )  refer to strip qualities of the soul,   and by the completion of the human endeavor has completed a full abstraction, leaving only abstraction of the self.                                                                                                                     

 Mrs  Hagir when completed the endeavor  and met with Safa and Marwa,  with the same status which included  the deficit and the stripping,   then she had been offered  the truth qualities after vacuum and stay after the yard then  the Lord offer her Zam Zam  water the source of  life, which by it the strength of the qualities of body and soul.                                                                                                                                                     

     The Pilgrim after strip the attributes of body and soul,  remain the self where it be stripped  by standing on Arafat, where the God transfigure of higher appearance which vanish their selves and there is nothing but God self .and said to pilgrim now  you knew just stick  by.                               .                                                                                                
 Then his glossy clean heart becomes as a mirror ready to accept the Light and secrets in the last turning round the Kaaba which called ( Ifaadah ) ( overflow) which is the end of Pilgrimage,  and complete it as it began, but before that he get rid of that abstraction tools, which are in the stoning ritual.                                                                                                                                         

     Stoning is a victory for the pilgrim against the devil,  by throwing  him with tools of abstraction which refer by stones. There are three obstacles, major, central, and junior. The major one from knowing the Lord are the lusts   , and the seven stones which be thrown against the major Satan are refer to abstraction tools of the heart from those lusts, that are disposed at the mosque, which is below the Grand Mosque and the pilgrim in his home life suffer and interact with souls capacitance between good and evil.                                                                                               

       The central obstacle (Agaba) strip of the seven physical attributes cycled around the Kaaba  and the seven stones are the tools of abstraction.                                                          
 The junior  obstacle  strip of the  seven attributes of  the soul between Safa and Marwa,    and also throw the Satan by the symbols of stripping tools and get rid of these qualities, fugitive to the Lord  from Devil who vowed, saying (I will surely mislead them companions, except loyal.                                                                                                                                                             

     In the ascension of the Prophet  Mohammad (peace be upon him) he found Moses in the sixth heaven and found Abraham in the seventh heaven, leaning on the house globe.  Moses as long as unable of impartiality on the only six out of seven of the qualities except quality of vision,  God Allah says to him what it means  (you will not see me) was placed in sixth heaven.                                                                                                                                               

  When  Ibraham ( peace be upon him ) stripped all the qualities of the seven sat on the throne of the seventh heaven, and when he stripped  of self  by raising the stones basics of the Kabba lay his back against the inherence House by angles in the heaven.                                               
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     Abstraction of the attributes of body and spirit is a significant taste either believe or witness or realization . The pilgrim believes in each round that he does not have anything  just faith in the unseen.                                                                                                                                          

 Realization is that, it elevates a degree by see the Lord in others not in him.  The realization is that, see him in both. Sheikh Arslan, (God bless him) said (as you believe in more than one god also your existence is invisible one).                                                                                                   
And Allah and His Messenger know